Dec the ceilings...

Colour on the ceiling? No! But if you stop to think about it, it kind of makes sense. What's the last thing you look at before you go to sleep? In fact, I often lie there staring at mine until the wee hours trying to get to sleep! So why not splash a bit of colour up there?
Red might not be the most calming hue for last thing before bed, but it does look great...

And these stripes are awesome - probably a bit like hard work getting them up there though...

Birds are nice too.

Great colour!

But why let the kids have all the joy? I could definitely stand a lazy sunday afternoon on this verandah!

Or this Tiffany Blue sitting room ceiling could make me very happy...
What do you think? Would you do it? 

Pretty to play in...

Every space in your home should be beautiful. As much as it should reflect your style. Here is a virtual menagerie of play spaces and styles, all as pretty and functional as eachother...

5 cool wallpapers for boys bedrooms

A while back I confessed to you that I'm a hopeless decorexic. Well, it seems to still be the case - otherwise why would I be looking at boys wallpapers when I only just finished the boys bedroom!? If I thought I had any chance of persuading Mr Noosh that it was a good idea, I think I'd go for the planes...

Olive Etsy lovelies

I'm having a real olive fetish at the moment (not the ones you eat, the nice colours). Here are a few bit and pieces I found on Etsy that satisfy my colour crush.

One for the grown ups...

Today I just needed a little break from all things kiddo, so I've been swooning over pretty vintage adult spaces for inspiration...

Manland: A shopping haven for bored husbands

This is great. Only at Ikea of course... Anyone who knows Ikea and has wee ones, will know about Smalland, a kids play area where you can leave your kiddos and shop in peace. Well, our local Ikea tested a new idea a few weeks ago called ManLand - a dedicated area for bored hubbies to hang out, fully equipped with boy toys like pinball machines, foosball, old school video games, car magazines etc... Even my hubbie was excited by the idea when I showed it to him. Now that's my idea of heaven. Drop the kids over here, drop the husband over there and shop to your hearts delight for hours on end in the market hall! Everyone's happy! No "hurry-up"'s, no "are we going soon?'s .... just uninterrupted shopping bliss. Please Ikea! Do it again! Only tell me about it before it happens this time...

The house you HAVE to see/Hommage to a craft maniac

Here's a funny story for you - last night while I was trawling (read: wasting time on) Pinterest, I stumbled across this gorgeous room. Naturally, being such a sweet rainbow space I pinned it immediately to show it to you... The funny part is coming... 
When I went to the source to check it out (because it's a really groovy little NZ blog called Mousehouse - you should have a look at it!). To my surprise, what I found was that this stunning room isn't a room at all - it's a dollhouse! Not any dollhouse I've ever seen I'll tell you that much! Take a look...

Details in this place are paramount. The roof and exterior walls are painted in the exact same shades as the actual house the family live in... 

Here's the master bedroom (it's nicer than my bedroom people!)

The bathroom... (Note the stunning papered feature wall! I think I want to live here...)

Oh my giddy aunt - there's a craft room...

Orla Kiely in the kitchen! (This woman is a crafting maniac! I think I love her!)

AND it even has electricity!!!! (That's it - I'm moving in - Megan, I'll be needing your address please!)
Now let me tell you, there are many more rooms! You haven't seen the pink bedroom! The living room! And you need to witness the entrance hall! Megan has even posted comparison shots to their corresponding "real" rooms. This is one of my favourite blog post finds of all time. You must have a look here to get the whole story. Megan, I am in awe of you. You've done the most incredible job and Amelie is one lucky little lady. 

Saturday Site Crush

Naturally, this site is from the Netherlands. You'll see why I say naturally as soon as you scroll down. Is it just me with a crush on the Scandinavian sense of style? No, I don't think so either. Divine isn't it?

Check out the rest of the Room7 site here.

Lovely little Euro designs...

Loving this one. It's a stunning little space I found over at DecoPeques. How much do you wish we had all this beautiful European designed kids furniture here in Australia? Maybe Noosh needs to get to work designing huh?