Dec the ceilings...

Colour on the ceiling? No! But if you stop to think about it, it kind of makes sense. What's the last thing you look at before you go to sleep? In fact, I often lie there staring at mine until the wee hours trying to get to sleep! So why not splash a bit of colour up there?
Red might not be the most calming hue for last thing before bed, but it does look great...

And these stripes are awesome - probably a bit like hard work getting them up there though...

Birds are nice too.

Great colour!

But why let the kids have all the joy? I could definitely stand a lazy sunday afternoon on this verandah!

Or this Tiffany Blue sitting room ceiling could make me very happy...
What do you think? Would you do it? 

1 comment:

  1. I so want to paint the insde of our verandah... Love it x


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