5 cool wallpapers for boys bedrooms

A while back I confessed to you that I'm a hopeless decorexic. Well, it seems to still be the case - otherwise why would I be looking at boys wallpapers when I only just finished the boys bedroom!? If I thought I had any chance of persuading Mr Noosh that it was a good idea, I think I'd go for the planes...


  1. Very cool, those cassettes are awesome!

  2. Mmmm - I loved those too - but wouldn't waste them on the boys room!!! Heheh! x

  3. Noosh: I would not waste ANY of those wallpapers on MY boys! They are too wonderful to not be appreciated. The dragon pattern is delightful, my favorite, but they are all "my favorite".

  4. Valerie, you're probably right, my boys wouldn't appreciate it either. Besides, I can't put wallpaper on the walls - simply because I want to redecorate again before the glue is even dry! Strictly for upcycling furniture etc we are, me and the wallpapers.... x


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