Blog Love: Feeling foodie

My family has a tradition of "taking turns" at having Christmas lunch/day at their house. This year is my turn. For some, the prospect of having 20 or so people rock up at their house and a 10kg turkey in the oven etc is something to be looked toward with fear and dread. I am not one of these people. I absolutely love it. In true last minute style, I've left my menu preparation till the last minute! But the good news is that I've found some fantastic food blogs (10 of them in fact), that you need to know about...

This is my new fave... TasteSpotting

And these run a close 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th....


  1. So addicted to TasteSpotting! I go every morning and browse while sipping my tea, getting my dose of food style before heading off to work. I am amazed to find my blog smack dab in the middle of your list, surrounded by so many fabulous blogs that I think of as "out of my league." So glad you're enjoying. I'm stoked to have stumbled upon Noosh Kids, what a great site!!

  2. Thanks so much Stella! So glad you're enjoying NooshKids! Keep that fantastic food coming! x


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