One for the boys

Just to refresh your memories, I've been hunting down the perfect set of bunks for the boys. N is about to climb out of his cot and fall on his head, and H has just turned 4 so I'm thinking it's time to get out of the in-between size Ikea toddler bed and into a full size single. Ideally I've been looking for bunks that split into 2 singles - that part is pretty much taken care of now... But I'm still tossing around ideas for the overall look for the boys room makeover. Here's a few things that have caught my eye...
Loving the white on black skull and crossbones feature wall/mural idea... But doesn't the exposed brick texture set this off? 

Here's another great mural idea. This clever mum has used a projector to enlarge a line drawing of her little guys artwork onto the bedroom wall. How creative! Imagine how cool it would be to have your own drawing larger than life on your wall!

The cloud texture painted on the ceiling is clever in it's own right, but couple it with a suspended plane and you have a very strong yet simple space for young boys.

I think the first one is my favourite though. Tell me what you think! What do you love? What do you hate? I'm decorexic remember! I need your advice! It might be time for a mood board... I'll post it when it's done.

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