Make it: 2 quick christmas craft ideas

Here's 2 last minute christmas craft ideas from the gorgeous girls at Babyccino Kids - just in case you've exhausted everything you had up your sleeve! These will get you through the last 2 days... 
Ok, so clearly this is an American idea and the longevity of your creation might be somewhat limited by the temperature - BUT I thought I'd include it here because it could be a lot of fun on a hot day to stand under your melting icicle and be showered with drips of cool water! You could put anything at all in the middle - it doesn't have to be leaves. What about cardboard cut-out shapes of Santa faces, christmas trees and candy canes? Or even really candy canes! That'd keep the little ones standing under their icicle till the last drip fell for sure! I like this idea. 

And what about a wooden clothes pegs for decorations? Have a look here for the instructions for both projects...

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