Book love

The only thing that excites me more than a book recommendation from a friend is a book actually written by a friend. Here's one of each!

Joany and the sunshine garden is a sweet story with gorgeous illustrations about Joany the cat and her day in the garden learning how special she is. I just love the patchwork Joany on the cover. Click here to preview the book.

And Pond Magic is written and illustrated by my incredibly talented and just lovely, lovely, lovely, friend Angela. How divine are the illustrations please? It's a hilarious modern day fairytale in reverse about a normal girl who finds herself unable to control her burping and starts turning into a frog!

Angela runs workshops for authors and illustrators and also visits schools and libraries. Author visits are a great thing. Hugh has met a couple of authors on library visits when they've been doing readings of their new books. I think their passion is infectious for little ones and it's a great experience for them to have to feed their own book passion. Here is a link for a fantastic database of authors and illustrators that do school and library visits. Maybe you can start the ball rolling on a visit to your playgroup or childcare centre? 

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