3 of the best: Contemporary baby spaces

Ahhh baby love... Nothing is as joyous as the time spent nesting on your own precious bundle's first sleeping quarters. Here are my top three contemporary baby spaces - each is loaded with gorgeous ideas to steal. 

Raw timber floors, wicker bear, cow hide rug... And that cot! Oh be still my beating heart! 

Again with the 2-tone cot, fabric squares, hanging stars, dandelions - and the colour on the walls. Usually not a fan of the gender non-specific "green" palette but this particular shade is very modern, very subtle and so, so very stylish... 

But this one is my fave - yes, predictable I know, but my mother always taught me to save the best till last. How can you go past origami butterflies? This nursery is as cool as the grey on the walls...

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