Before & After: Vintage twins

This piece over at Apartment Therapy actually turned me green with envy when I first saw it, it's another one of those stories of an unbelievable buy that will clearly be absolutely amazing with a coat of the right colour...
Lesli picked up a gorgeous vintage twin bed at a local garage sale. She snapped it up as soon as she saw it with a price tag of only $25! What a bargain! It was only as she was driving home that she realised something didn't add up - the kind seller who had loaded the pieces into her car had forgotten to mention the $25 price was for TWO of these lovelies - not one! Now, why can't this kind of thing happen to me I ask you?

With a coat of the palest grey and a vibrant fabric selection, they've come up every inch as gorgeous as I imagined they could....

Inspired? I am. I'm off to trawl the Trading Post for garage sales...


  1. Super inspiring! I would have passed them by...

    1. Hi Steph! I've been prowling the hard rubbish collection piles around our area all weekend!

  2. Love the new life of these! And so striking against the blue wall!


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