Tooth Fairy time

After much complaint and many tears at dinnertime, Hugh's wiggly wobbler tooth finally fell out last night! It's not the first (that is on an oval somewhere, despite my crawling around on my hands and knees for an hour searching through the blades of grass for it! Little ratbag yanked it out eating a jelly snake and didn't know what it was so he threw it over his shoulder... You should have seen the looks I was getting from the other soccer players as I searched for it...), that one was never found. 

Now before you start thinking I'm an awful parent, the Tooth Fairy did come for the first one never-the-less, and left him a tidy sum. This one though we managed to keep and leave out for the Tooth Fairy like normal people. This is the letter he got back from her with his money. 

I wanted to show you because I picked up a great tip for these letters on Pinterest. Once I printed the letter I sprayed it with hairspray and sprinkled glitter on it. It gives a lovely sparkly all over coverage of "fairyness". The only glitter I could find at 11 o'clock last night though was giant sized so it required a second spray over the glitter to hold it all in place. I found the fairy picture with a google image search.

On the topic of the Tooth Fairy, what's the going rate for a tooth these days? I was astonished to hear a friend of Hugh's older sister tell me that the first tooth is worth $20!!! Now that's inflation! Mine fell out a good few years back but the tooth fairy used to leave my money in the glass of water I left the tooth in next to my bed - clearly we're talking coins and it was before $1 and $2 notes were canned... I think I might have gotten 50c for a big one and 20c for the others? Feeling old now.... After that comment (which unfortunately Hugh heard) we were pressured into a big leave behind and caved in with a $10 gift for the first tooth which I still think is exorbitant.  How much do you think is fair? 


  1. Love this cute post! The tooth fairy always left notes for my children too! $2 tiny baby teeth, $5 molars, $10 if a dentist required, $20 wisdom teeth. (Daughter No 2 at 20 years just collected $60 fow 2 wisdom teeth at dentist....yikes!)I remember getting 'special' commemorative 50 c pieces for my teeth....still got the coins too! Sounds like the tooth fairy is in a serious inflationary business these days! LOL!
    x KL

  2. OMG a gold coin and that is your lot.. if that is the going rate I am off to re train as a tooth fairy.. what diploma do I need ? x


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