Tuesday Tour

This tour features not one, but two great kids rooms! And a great kids study space too!

And the rest of the place is just to die for...
Loving the bare globe feature pendants in this dining space...
And the floorplan is fantastic with all the living areas leading to that outdoor living area.

Even a handsome canine... want him!!!!


  1. Hi amazing space today!! But a question - it doesnt list anywhere where the couch, two chairs and coffee table is from this is exaclty what i have been looking for - i'm sure i found it once before bookmarked it and now cant find the bookmark!!!
    Would appreciate the help as getting desperate for new couch!! thanks!
    R x

    1. You're right! This one has dropped off the radar completely. I know it was originally from the Ninemsn Homes site (you can use the "via" link at the bottom of the post to get there), but I've just trawled it and this house is nowhere to be found! It was either a House and Garden or Real Living home - you could try emailing the two mags with the picture and ask them for the info you're after - I know at Home Beautiful we help readers with similar questions as much as we can so hopefully these guys are as helpful... Sorry to not be able to give you a magic answer! Good luck and let me know how you go. Tina.x


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