The Block 2012 - Team Sophie & Dale WIN!!!!

Hurray! Our favourite couple finally won a room!!!
It's about time those judges recognised style when it smacked them in the face!
Congratulations Team Sophie & Dale! Well deserved.
Here's a tour of the rooms and a special treat - I have links to the shops Sophie sourced her stylish pieces from (including that secret decorators source!!!).

Adore the "Noodlier" - from Grant Dorman Interiors

And did we love Sophie's suitcase drawers? - from Mill Markets

The desk... from Scout (what an amazing vintage furniture source this is!)

Vintage bedside trouble light, also from Scout

That exposed brick wall looks fantastic. I had an identical hall entry in my old house with one wall exposed like this and would you believe I hated it? But those uplights set into the floor really make a feature of the brickwork and give it a whole new dimension. Oh hindsight.....

Coat rack from Izzi and Popo

One of my favourite wallpaper designs ever... from Radford Furnishings

Vintage book artwork, created by Sophie from an old book picked up at  Mill Markets

The Jackalope head is from Urban Attitude  I love the sense of whimsy it gives the room. 

The blocks are from Spacecraft

And credit must be given to Sophie for her patience in finding a set of vintage suitcases that work together aesthetically and fit in those spaces! As well of course for the initial concept which is just brilliant! The suitcases were found at Mill Markets

Dear little button-eyed bunny is from Spacecraft

I'll do a roundup of the other 3 rooms and sources later in the week. But for now lets be happy 
Team S&D have some money to create more wonderful spaces!


  1. My absolute favourites too.. so happy they won x

  2. My favourites too! So pleased that they finally won a room. I have soooo many vintage suitcases that I have amassed over the years that I am now walking around the house working out where I can install a suitcase dresser! x

  3. So loved the suitcases, what a fabulous idea! and the wallpaper design is also a favourite! Have a lovely week xx

  4. A well deserved win with some great ideas and, as usual, rooms with heaps of personality. I love the use of lights that make such a feature of the exposed brick wall - definitely going in my 'renovator ideas folder'.
    Clare x

  5. hi there. ave been looking for some white rabbits like the ones sophie used on the block. can not find anywhere. Any suggestions?
    thanks, melissa

    1. Hi Melissa,
      Try Otherwise you could try Have You Met Miss Jones or Down to The Woods...
      Good Luck!

  6. Hi there, do you know if there is anywhere you can by those scrabble wall art tiles already made or do you have to make them yourself??
    Any Suggestions??

    Thanks Marty

    1. Hi Marty, I'm pretty sure they're from Typo so try there. If not, have a look here, I blogged a free printable scrabble tile design a while ago....


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