ABCs Rock!

Complete TV addict that I am, I have to admit that I am a wincy bit excited that The Block is back!
I've been looking forward to 7 O'BLOCK for weeks - since the billboards went up actually. Tiny bit tragic? Perhaps. But I'm a total DIY, craft, renovating freak and to me this show is peaches and cream.

Even more so now that I've "met" the contestants and had a chance to find a fave couple. Yup - Sophie and Dale have won my heart. It was a total gimme when they decided to do a kids room for thier first Elimination Challenge room makeover and put this on the wall!
I love a bit of vintage style and these two have just pulled off the most magnificent kids space (complete with indoor swing!), it's just to die for from top to bottom. Check out the rest Sophie and Dales kids room. It's completely divine... Look for the map transfer onto timber palings (my favourite part besides the alphabet and the swing), and the "old-school" school desk... Do you love this look or is it just me?



  1. I loved this room.....old and new fab! I'm a Block tragic the show!!

  2. I totally love this room - everything about it. Can't wait to see what this couple can do on The Block, I'm really looking forward to it. I would love to have the alphabet wall in my house, oh and the map too and the cushions and...

  3. echoing the others.... but, me too!!! i think it is the first room on the block that I have loved everything about! The swing is sensational, it was always one of my childhood dreams to have a swing in my bedroom! xx


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