940 saturdays = 1 childhood

Did you know there are only 940 saturdays in a childhood? A friend posted this link on her Facebook page yesterday and I think it really puts into perspective how quickly our babies grow up and leave the nest. If your kiddo is around 5, you've already seen around 260 of them pass by... This is the premise behind a new book called No Regrets Parenting - it urges parents to relax the schedule and enjoy the moments because before you know it that kiddo you're wishing would go to bed will be out with his/her friends and you'll be left on the sofa wondering what they're up to and when they'll be home again...

It makes me want to establish some traditions like "Dress-up Saturday" (which I always swore i'd do pre-kids) and let them run around the farmers market in their super-hero capes... But I guess it's kind of nutty to enforce such things. They need to grow organically.

One new family tradition I have started is "High/Low". It's basically a game we play at dinner - we go around the table and everyone has to name their highest and lowest point of the day and talk about what happened and how it made them feel. I saw it years ago in a movie - The Story of Us I think it was? It's a really nice part of our day now. I look forward to the boys stories and their animated little actions and faces as they recount stories about their day at school or pre-school. And it's an excellent way to keep in touch with what's going on in their world (and hopefully down the track it'll become a handy tool in the event of bullying and other nasty things that may come their way).

Have a read of the original blog post I found anyway, she talks a bit about her own childhood and rollerskating in the 80s and such things - it's funny. Let it inspire you too. After all, tomorrow is another Saturday!!!

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