11 gorgeous Easter Crafts for the long weekend!

With Easter almost upon us and loads of excited kiddos to keep entertained, I thought I'd share with you my favourite Easter craft projects I've seen around the web. I'll be tackling at least a few of theses over the coming days... I find craft is a good way to get the boys to calm down after a sugar high - a handy tool this time of year!!!!
1. Easter Garland

2. Chocolate Nests

3. Bunny Envelopes

4. Bunny Ears Napkins

5. Crepe Paper Carrots

6. Easter Paper Chains

7. Rice Bubble Easter Egg Pops

8. Magnetic Eggs

9. Modern Bunnies
**this project is from a gorgeous blog I only found today - check it out for loads of lovely handmades and pretty pictures. She has a shop too! x

10. Tattooed Eggs

11. Clever Carrot cookies in Oreo Crumbs

1 comment:

  1. The rice bubble Easter egg pops are divine! Possibly something I could even manage as well. x


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