Bunk in

I know you love a bunk (and I do too), so here's a fresh bunch from the garden of bunkness for your voyeuristic pleasure... I think #2 & 5 are my faves. See what you think!


  1. I think No 5 is just so fantastic and where space is tight I can understand the appeal but I have a personal adversion to bunk beds. Have you ever had to make them up each day? Urgh....not for me!
    x KL

  2. A woman speaking from experience is hard not to hear... No, I never have. And I don't imagine it'd be much fun now that you mention it... My own reasoning for not having them is that a friend of ours little boy got his foot caught in a blanket going up the ladder and faceplanted breaking his nose at age 6... I'm not partial to hospital visits so my vote is for beds close to the ground - at least for the timebeing...


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