Ace Space Saturday - Highgate

Welcome to the first of NooshLoves NEW regular post, Ace Space Saturday. The name is verging on horrid I know, but I couldn''t bring myself to be so dull as to call it a room tour... If you can think of something better I'd love to hear it!

So, todays Ace Space comes from a great little blog called A House Like This. It's essentially a diary of the Adamo family renovation of their Victorian home in Highgate London (and what a pearler of a house it is! I'd give a kidney for a place like this to do up! And they're doing a beautiful job too. If you like contemporary minimal design with a dash of vintage flavour it's right up your alley - and I know you do! or you wouldn't be reading NooshLoves because that's my favourite thing and I'm rabbitting on about it all the time!) Check it out with a cuppa and a bikky...

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