
Just wanted to fill you in on a few things that have been happening...

1. It's our birthday! 
Unbelievably it's been a year already since our shop-baby Noosh was born! It's gone incredibly quickly and we've had so much fun and learnt so much! To celebrate, we're giving away a set of Benny Knickerstickers with every order! Just hop over to the Noosh store and make your purchase and we'll send a set with your delivery! And, if you want to make sure you don't miss out on offers like these, sign up for our newsletter! It's packed with craft ideas, recipes and Nooshie-type news and offers....

2. I finally bought myself a diary for next year, and would you believe I didn't end up buying any of the ones I showed you? Typical. I was at the shopping centre and it was there and it all just seemed a bit easier and instantly gratifying than buying one online... I am very happy with my Kikki.K purchase though. The pink leather cover  is super soft and pretty and it does have the crucial pocket in the back that I need. Hopefully that elastic will stand the test of time and last the full 12 months...

3. The super Eeni Meeni christmas stocking competition! I forgot to mention that this one is open to everyone everywhere! I'll be choosing 2 winning comments on December 2nd and so far the odds to win are pretty good so jump over here to leave a comment and you could find yourself with a lovely pressie in your postbox before christmas!


  1. Warmest wishes and congrats on your birthday celebration! I've been told the first 12 months of a new bussiness are the hardest so here's to happy sailing for the future!
    X KL

  2. Ooohh! Happy Birthday! Love your diary choice, the pink cover looks divine and in our male dominated houses is quite refreshing! Might have to copy you! xx


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