6 x dreamy eclectic kids rooms

Nobody with any real design sense ever said that everything must match. It's often the rooms that don't conform strictly to any one look that have the most personality and work the best!


  1. Some divine rooms here! I often find when a room looks too matchy it doesn't look real or it kind of looks like the owner just went out and bought everything from the one shop and didn't inject anything of their own into the room. The things you collect over the years, the piece that you inherit and find you love, items that speak to you... that is when a room ends up looking amazing! To me anyway!!!

  2. Couldn't agree more Emma. And its exactly that which I love about these rooms so much. I find myself fighting a constant decorating battle between clean and character though. It's a dance finding the right balance. Too much is cluttered and too little is just sterile. I so love the dancing though...


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