Homemade christmas gift #2

If I didn't alarm you last week with my news of only 10 weeks till christmas, perhaps I can rouse some sense of panic when I tell you another week has now passed us by and we're down to 9... 
As most of you already know, Homemade christmas gifts is a weekly post of gift ideas the kiddos can make for friends, teachers and relatives. Something to help them learn to think further than a department store when it's time to give - besides, home made presents are easier on the hip pocket! This is idea #2 in our journey to christmas 2011.

#2. The soy candle...
This idea comes from the super-talented Amanda over at Ruffled. This DIY's original incarnation at Ruffled is as a wedding favour (or bomboniere, depending where you hale from), hence the "Thank You" tag in the image, but a quick gift tag change and this makes a lovely and simple christmas gift that is even easier than you can imagine to create making it perfect for the kiddos to do.
Essentially the steps go like this - buy wax, melt wax, scent wax, pour wax, set wax, add lid, give. Told you it was easy! And then you can have all sorts of fun creating gift tags and choosing lovely paper to top and wrap it! Check out Amanda's proper tutorial over here and be careful the kids don't get a burn!


  1. Very cute... 9 weeks, really? Far out come on Paypal I need to get shopping in my own shop!!

  2. Amen to that Tessa! I'm itching to get my shopping fingers busy on your new site! x


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