FREE Printable Circus Party Invites

Soooo, here are the Circus Party invitations I designed for Hugh's birthday. 
Like them? Hugh certainly does. He likes them so much he's been passing out "tickets" to what seems like everyone he knows and we're now sitting at 20 - TWENTY!!!!! - friends for the bash. (That's just his friends too - not counting their parents or our friends). Is that excessive? It seems excessive to me. All I can say is thank god it's not at home! Can you image? Twenty 5 year olds running around my house high on sugar and cake? Nuh-uh! 
Anyway, I was so pleased with them I thought I'd share, so if you fancy having your own circus themed soiree the invites are already taken care of and the come FREE!! Just click the image below, print them onto nice card and fill in your details (if you want your details printed onto the invites just import the image into your editing/design program and type in your info on top). My only advice is don't print 40 like I did or you might end up baking the biggest cake in the universe for the entire neighbourhood!


  1. They are fab, better than many pro ones I have are one bundle of talent my dear xx

  2. These are awesome, thanks so much for sharing!


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