Colour forecast

I've always been fascinated by trend forecasting. The idea of roaming the globe, scouring the streets for the next cool thing... What an inspirational career! If only my year 12 careers advisor had mentioned such possibilities in 1988...
Well, as it usually happens, when something piques my interest, I tend to get "into" it - and so it is with trends and me. Sometimes I'm on the money, other times.... At the risk of being completely off base and looking a bit silly, I'm going to put myself out there and make one very big call... That is that the next colour palette to turn up in our homes will be one of olives, figs and sages. They'll be muted - nothing grassy or foresty, and they'll be balanced with pops of plum and aubergine. Something like what's already creeping into the Pinterest boards if you look closely... At the very least, I like the idea and I hope it happens that way.


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