Trend alert: Birdcage lights

Apart from both of these kids rooms being super cute, they also have a lighting style in common. We've all seen the french inspired, country style chic use of the vintage birdcage as a decorator piece right? Well how about if we take it off the shelf and hang it from the ceiling? I'm all for useful decor. And I have to admit that it kind of works. Pretty well actually. It's like a new take on the chandelier. I think I'm a fan. What do you think? Putting a bird in it might make things more interesting... Or then again, maybe not...

1 comment:

  1. Hey kiddo,

    Made you my 'Favourite Blog Friday' for tomorrow. Hope you don't mind me using some images.

    P.S. That second image = totally a good way!

    Tracey x


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