Embroidery goes all mod-cultish...

I think we've all been touched by embroidery at some stage in our lives - be it the initialed hankie at primary school or the obsessed grandmother who had a hoop on the go at all times... Well, this is one old school handicraft that's come a long way baby!
From typographic birds... 
and mini moustached men...
Penguin Books even got on board with a limited edition set of classics with embroidered covers...

There are personalised pieces on Etsy to be had... 
Even paper is getting the treatment... 
As with any craft, there's always an over-acheiver raising the barr... 
But you don't have to be Picasso to get on the bandwagon... 
Just use your imagination!
Get inspired...
And apply it anything you please! This one is a cake would you believe? That's got to test your patience!
All images Via. Except the last one that came Via

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