Easy DIY Shelving: Genius and stunning too!

Aside from the fact that this easy DIY project is obviously grey, it also scores major points for it's clever design. The process is pretty simple too!
1. You'll need to plan and measure this out carefully before you begin cutting. You'll need:
*17 x lengths of square cut timber all cut to the width you want
*5 x lengths of raw pine the width you want your shelves and the profile of the gaps between your bars
*2 x lengths of timber to act as posts - your bars will attach to these so they need to be cut to the measurement of the following: the profile of your bars x # of bars + size of gaps x # of gaps.  The shelves should snugly slot into the gaps between the bars and can be positioned anywhere along the width! Easy!
Hopefully those instructions are understandable. I'd really like to have a go at this one myself.
Sorry! I've no idea where I found this image. If it's yours let me know and I'll credit you.

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