At home with Kate Spade and the fam...

A squiz inside the digs of Kate Spade? Yes please! Not what I expected. Take a look...
Let's start with the most relevant room in the house - Kate's daughter, Bea's room...

Bea and dad, Andy, hugging it up in the living room...

Lots of love in this house - a nice feature...

The whole place is verging on cluttered with incredible art. Loving the big black inky splodge over the fireplace...

Gallery Hall...

The heart of the home...

Nice blue leather chair Kate! Such a Kate Spade colour...

More incredible art... 
But if that's not enough for you, check out The Selby for the full tour with loads more pics of her enviable collections. Did you know that David Spade from Just Shoot Me is actually Kate's brother-in-law? And that Kate was working at Mademoiselle magazine when she launched her first range of what were to be become iconic handbags? I didn't know either of those things...

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