4 slick big boy spaces

Part of the appeal of these four rooms for me is the mainly monochromatic colour schemes, but each one also has a special little "something" idea worth stealing...
Room 1: Well, this first one has a couple of "something"s - I love the way the bunks tuck behind the side of this built-in gloss cupboard. It's a pretty small space and the design is clever. It has a bit of a ships quarters vibe... but my favourite thing here has to be those masks hanging on each coat!

Room 2: How good does that surfboard look? And the bold horizontal striped wallpaper is great too. But my favourite thing in this space is that outdoor light on the wall!

Room 3: Absolutely love this colour scheme. The silver floor cushion is a lovely balance against the warm grey of the desk. Again though, theirs more than one idea I like here - check out the clever use of a loft bed as a bunk. Without a frame on the base, a little one can move up to a big boy bed without having to use a safety rail OR the lower space can just be used as a lounging area for friends and doubles as a spot for sleepover guests...

Room 4: Last but not least, the retro minimalist space. This room would suit a teen with a penchant for mess because it'd be difficult to mess up this room! Loving the Danish retro day-bed. It's clean lines set the tone for clutter-free style.

1 comment:

  1. I love the utilitarian flannel used in the first and last images - so stylish and budget friendly!


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