FREE! Snail mail

A few weeks ago, Hugh and Noah made some paintings and cards to send to their friends Millie and Phoebe who've moved interstate and they miss terribly. In the hustle and bustle of daily life I neglected to mention to my friend that there'd be artwork arriving for her girls and to keep an eye out for it. The result was that not only were the girls delighted to receive mail from the boys, but their mum got a kick out of it too! 
Sadly there isn't enough of the old school ways of letter writing and such simple pleasures anymore. With so many friends having moved away we have lots of people to make paintings for and send packages to, and when time and memory permits, I like to encourage the boys to keep up their friendships through the post. They love doing it too - the intention of giving a painting seems to bring more enjoyment to the activity, and, of course, they love to drop their parcel into the mailbox. Sometimes the favour is returned and they get to experience the joy of receiving a package as well.

Now it seems someone has taken the idea a leap further forward. Ivan Cash has launched "an interactive art project" called "Snail Mail My Email" and anyone anywhere can take part. It runs for one month from July 15 to August 15 and "seeks to both share the warm fuzzy feeling of receiving a personalised letter as well as inspire people to send their own snail mail". All you have to do is hop over here and send an email! Ivan and his crew will hand write your message (yes! Hand write) and pop it into a real postbox to be delivered anywhere in the world! But here's the best part. It's free!
Mine's already on it's way! I can't think of a reason not to take part - it's a great project! Well done Ivan!

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