Smart play in a bag

Another bit of genius to share with you today! Below are 2 simple games that I found on Pinterest. I tracked them back to their owner - here - and found a virtual treasure trove of educational activities you can make and do with your pre-schooler...
All of the games are designed to be stored in a ziplock bag keeping houses tidy and kidlets self-sufficient. I told you it was genius! Now I just need some free time to make a few....
This first one is great for colour learning. Trace around a plate and mark out however many segments you like - this one is based on 8 but you could easily add more or less segments to make the game harder or easier depending what stage your little ones are at...

And when you stumble across a good idea what do you do? Multiple applications! Same thing but number learning. .. It would also work for simple words with one missing letter and a picture - for instance, a pic of a cat and the letters "_at" on a segment with a "c" on one of your pegs... 
If you like these, make sure you hop over to Walking By The Way to check out the rest of her PreSchool Bags ideas...

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