Love is a loft

With living spaces in city dwellings becoming smaller, the loft bed is a stylish and practical solution to the ever growing issue of shrinking bedrooms. Here are 4 kids rooms filled with great space saving ideas done well.

Images via Pinterest


  1. These are fabulous. I've not seen any of them before. I think that first one might be a bit scary, I can see myself rolling off in the middle of the night!

  2. Oh Rachel, you are so right! The third one's my fave - I love that dual purpose ladder - the high top doubles as a safety rail! No rolling out of that one!

  3. I need to keep this post...absolutely gorgeous pics, and clever daughter DESPERATELY wants a loft bed. The never ending requests...XJH

  4. I adore all of them! So not letting the boys see though! x


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