Weapons for the flu season

Been here yet this year? If you haven't, it's probably not far off. Sorry, but it's true. Our house was struck down this week. Awful. But I have good news. One of my girlfriends shared a link with me when she heard I'd been under the weather, and I thought I'd pay it forward to all of you so you can arm yourself against the army of bugs touring around daycare centres, preschools and kindergartens at the moment too. You probably already know most of it but it's a great time of year for a reminder about what you should be doing to ward off lurgies... Hop over here to read about the top 8 cold and flu fighting foods.
Image Via. Thanks for the link love Claire

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tina! Am ready to try anything, we are on our third cold/flu thing this winter! x


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