Ultra cool outdoor play

Is that the coolest outdoor play space you've ever seen? I'm loving it! It's space sensitive design is perfect for small courtyards (and we've got plenty of those in sydney don't we?) and it's actually nice to look at too! I'm storing this one away for our next house...


  1. Yeah but is there a website someone can buy this? Or instructions on how to build this? More info pleez

  2. This design was part of a home tour that ran in an Australian interiors magazine a while back (not sure which one). From memory and going by the look of it, it was a custom build. It's a fantastic idea and the most charming part of it is that it fits the space it sits in so perfectly. If you're interested in recreating something similar I'd suggest you talk to a carpenter and get something custom made for your own space utilising the ideas in this one. Good luck with it! I'd love to see the result if you decide to go ahead!


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