Found: Do you knit knit?

I'm not a knitter. I was when I was about 8 - my grandmother taught me to knit and I made the obligatory scarf but not much needlework since.... Lately however, I've been pondering how great it would be to knock up a scarf, or if I was feeling really ambitious, a beanie... 
  That's where this great little range of products comes in and they're perfect for these cold wintery days. Knit Knit create knitting kits for creative people and are perfect for beginners! There are lots of cool patterns to choose from (that's a Classic scarf above) and the kits come complete with needles, wool and very basic and easy to understand instructions (and lots of pictures... we like that). 
I like the Twisty Snood (above) and the Hood (below)...
So, if like me you've been considering it, perhaps this is the way to learn? After all, who's going to knit cute stuff for your grand-kidlets if you don't know how?


  1. I am the same. Mum is a seriously good knitter. Grandma taught me around 8 or so. I made a scarf and a few squares of a blanket. Now I really regret not keeping it up. I used to nanny girls that went to a fairly well known Sydney girls school. Every year they had to knit something and it was then given to homeless people. In yr 7 they started off with squares which were made into blankets, by the time they were in yr 12 they were making jumpers. People scoffed at the idea and said it was old fashioned, a waste of time etc etc. Me, I think it was genius. Social responsibility and a useful skill! x

  2. That is genius! Hugh starts school next year, I might risk being one of "those" mums and suggest it to the school... Love it! THanks Emma!


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