DIY: Chalkboard Table

Look what I did! I'm so very proud of myself! Not only did I finish a project, but it was easy, it looks brilliant - and it works too! Kids chalkboard tables and the like aren't cheap - you can spend upwards of $300 for a basic table - something that wasn't on my agenda for the weekend... so...

The project: Produce a play/craft/chalkboard table for under $20.
You'll need: *One Ikea Lack table ($9.99). *One round plastic takeaway container
*Masking tape. *Primer. *One tin of chalkboard paint. *a drill. *a jigsaw. *a Paint Brush

Instructions: Find the centre point of your table. Line up the centre of the plastic container and trace carefully around the top edge. Using your drill with a large drill bit, make a hole on the inside edge of the circle you just traced. Then carefully insert your jigsaw blade down the hole and start cutting around the inside edge of the circle. (remember if you cut around the outside of the circle your container will fall through - you need to cut inside of the circle so the hole is smaller than the container). Once your hole is cut, check the container fits. Mask around the sides of your table. Give one coat of primer to the table top (I used some self priming outdoor paint that was lying around which worked well). Once dry give it 2 coats of chalkboard paint. Allow these 2 coats time to cure as recommended on the tin. Nearly there, we painted our container black as the inside of a lack table aint a pretty place as you'll see... Pop your takeaway container once it's dry, in the hole and VOILA! 

We already had the table, the chalkboard paint and primer - actually, all of it so didn't cost us a dime. But realistically, even if you had to go out and buy all of the elements, you'd still only be up for around 20 clams. Not bad eh? Only thing is, ours hasn't looked like this since I took the photo, I think they watch me wipe it and swoop when I walk away...

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