Want to know a secret?

Shhh. Don't tell anyone, Seed's new autumn range (which isn't instore yet) is already on sale online. Here's a little taste of what's available...

For the girls....

And for the boys....

Not only are there all these and more very yummy pieces to spend your hard earned on, but for 5 days there's FREE SHIPPING! I know! You can thank me later. Get over there now!

1 comment:

  1. A girlfriend and my sister got me on your blog and since then I check it out whenever I can (I have 3 kids under 5). I've already done the Ikea Bekvam shelves and can't wait to get into another Noosh inspired project. In the meantime, and this is unashamedly self-marketing...but I really think you'd like my stuff. Check it out at www.mimoo.com.au Thanks again for the inspiration!


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