Rainy weekend craft project

The forecast in Sydney for this weekend is rain. I can't say I'm that disappointed though, after all the heat and humidity a date with our raincoats and some puddles is quite appealing. Another activity I want to squeeze in is making a time capsule. All you need is a jar with a tightly sealed lid, a spade and a little imagination... Get the kids to find a few objects each, small things like photos, matchbox cars and movie ticket stubs, and bury them in the garden explaining the concept that you'll all dig them up again together at the end of spring. (I'm going with a 6 month turnaround because they're still only 4 and 2, anything longer than that and they might not remember burying it...). I figure it'll be fun and a good way to get them to exercise a bit of self discipline in not digging it up until it's time...

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