Op-Shop Inspiration: Bookmark This

Today's post comes from my gorgeous friend Felicity Loughrey. Mum to 2 cute-as-buttons boys, Felicity writes for Vogue, interviews major, handsome-as-hell celebrities like Matt Damon for GQ, and, being the wonder-mum she is, also blogs at Lustaday.

I have a terrible tardy habit with libraries. There are some libraries where I really shouldn’t show my face. But everyone wants their child to grow up in a home filled with books. The answer: the op-shop. On half price days, children’s books can be picked up for 50 cents. It’s hard and heavy work to find enough books to equal what you would spend on just one full-price tome.

This is what happens when Gen X have kids. They go bonkers when they find a Gremlins book in the op-shop, convincing their kids that it’s not scary at all. Check out Phoebe Cates hair and that blue dress.

Another great thing about thrifting for kids books – you find treasures you had as a child. I was a huge Robin Klein fan. Penny Pollard’s Letters was a Year 4 favourite of mine. And I totally remember this cook book.

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