More pure white inspirational rooms

Want one of these old school desks for the boys when they're older. Lots of them on ebay...

Don't vintage pieces add so much character to a room?

White with a forest twist

There's those gorgeous Pom Poms again!

Mmmm chocolate brown accents really warms things up

Loving the built in beds and clever storage drawers


  1. I found boy 1s old school desk in a council clean up pile! Have my eye out for a second one now for boy 2.... I love street shopping!!

  2. Oooh lucky you! I love street shopping too. Just the other day I picked up a very heavy solid timber double bedhead. It's covered in the thickest peeling varnish right now but has lots of lovely carved scrollwork so should paint up beautifully. Keep an eye out for the before and after....


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