Twin share

Still on the issue of the boys bedroom makeover... (I'm so indecisive aren't I?) Been looking for some last minute inspiration before I lock in my final decor idea choices.... What bits do you like best? I love these vintage iron hospital style beds, but husband thinks I've lost my mind...

Doesn't the Joel Dewberry wallpaper work a treat? 

I love these upholstered bedheads! Fingers crossed I'll be bringing you more on this topic in the form of a DIY a bit later...

Oh for the space to have a table and chair at the end of each bed...

...and in the tradition of saving the best for last - my favourite. Clean lines, greige, the vintage beds, loads of natural light and a hint of red. Perfection.


  1. I have my little one in a vintage iron hospital bed! Very similar to first photo. Took a while to convince my husband as well, but he loves it now!

  2. Ahhh see, now you've given me hope Emma! Thank you! Much nicer than a silly old unnatural melamine one!


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