Noah's birthday party wrap-up

As most of you know, my dear boy turned 2 on the weekend, and we had a Toy Story party to celebrate. I got a little crazy with the theme - I think I was even dreaming green and purple! Despite the delightful 42 degree weather, we had a great time... And finally, I have pictures for you! 
 Thankfully I had some water games planned...
...which quickly degenerated into "lets all take our party outfits off and run around under the sprinkler!"
The cake turned out okay, considering it only went into the oven at 8am and the party started at 10! So glad it's all done and dusted... at least until Hugh's in October anyway. He's already got his all planned. Astroboy. Maybe that superhero them will get a go after all.


  1. This looks awesome! Can't believe you did the cake that morning, you can't tell at all. I love the chocolate spoons. Where are the stick horses?

  2. Glad you like it. I think they all had fun... Stick horses aren't being hidden, I'll put them up over the weekend when I get a chance to write up the how to... x


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