Make it: Stick horse

So first thing I should tell you is that I'm devastated that I only just found this. See, I have just spent the day sewing Stick Horses from a fabulous 70's style caramel printed corduroy that I bought at The Remnant Warehouse on friday (dangerous but fantastic place if you happen to live in Sydney. Cheap fabric and bag loads of inspiration). Why am I making Stick Horses I hear you say - for Noah's party on saturday... The reason for the devastation is that these look so much better than mine... ho hum. I'll run through how I made mine when I show you them post-party, but in the meantime, have a look here for the full tutorial for these ones at LightBlueGrey. While you're there, grab a cup of tea and take a look around - Hetty's got loads of great projects to make with kids... 

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