Blackboard 101

 I'm still scouting for playroom ideas and this is one room I'd like to replicate in detail. It reminds me of the old school hall across the road from our primary school with the mini bank of removable stairs. Except instead of a desk at the left there'd be a piano... Possibly a bit too architecturally ambitious for my little makeover but very inspiring none-the-less. I know there'll be a blackboard in our new playspace somewhere, somehow... And while we're talking blackboards, take a look at these!
I love this blackboard application below as well. Definitely have to be including a blackboard in the makeover. Our folding one we bought for the boys is all warped and ruined now from being on the verandah - did that happen to you? Mental note: If blackboard is to live inside the house I must remember to buy dustless chalk...

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