Sneaky Healthy...

Question: Can you see any sign of a vegetable on this plate? Some spinach perhaps? A carrot? Well they're there.... Truly! My lovely friend Clara originally put me onto this trick, and the very clever Steph over at Bondville it seems is onto it too. These delectable looking brownies were served up to unsuspecting toddlers at Baby Bondville's 1st birthday party. The tactic is to puree. Puree puree puree. Old veges in the crisper that aren't quite good enough for a stirfry but are still too good for the bin? Puree. Whack them through a muffin mix, a bolognese, a brownie. Tricky huh?  Well, it wasn't her idea. (sorry Clara & Steph, they need to know...) This is just one of the clever "Simple Secrets" Jessica Seinfeld imparts in her book Deceptively Delicious.

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