Party in-decisions...

Okay lovely people, I need your help. My indecisive nature is proving to be a downfall. It's only 3 weeks now till Little N's 2nd birthday and I'm yet to settle on a party theme. Mmmm, I know! I've put together a moodboard for the Superhero theme...

Invitations will be satin covered card Superhero masks with elastic ties and details on the back. Kids will bring these on the day to wear. My dear old mum is going to help me sew capes and cuffs for each child (there'll only be about 8 kids so not too crazy a workload). I thought I'd print off a birthday banner in HULK type and make up some garlands with superhero logos. And finally, yes, the cake. I was planning on attempting this. Yup. Complete sucker for punishment. 

So, we'd pretty much all agreed on all this (we being Hugh and I), but now I'm looking at it and I think it's a bit beyond Noah and is more up Hugh's alley. And we can't have big bro enjoying the party more than the birthday boy. Noah's real obsession is Toy Story, and I'm starting to think I should just do that...

And then I think about the poor Queenslanders and all that's going on north or the border and I feel like a fool for agonizing over what kind of cake to make for a two year old... I need your input and I need it fast. Which way to go? Be honest please! Am I being completely ridiculous?

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