Make it: Banana Deliciousness

Banana is good. Chocolate is better. Fondue is fun.
Put it all together for some serious YUM!
I saw this idea while I was prowling around the blogosphere the other day (I'm sorry but I can't remember where!), and it looked to good to give it a go. This is my one below...

Best part is, that apart from being one of the easiest things you'll ever make, the kids love it and they can do it themselves! Ours turned into a fondue dessert table with arms and elbows and toothpicks all battling for the chocolate bowl.

Here's how...
Step 1. Freeze bite sized pieces of banana on some baking paper until firm.
Step 2. Melt a 275g block of chocolate.
Step 3. Put about a cup of desicated coconut in a bowl.
Step 4. Stick each piece of banana with a toothpick. Dip in chocolate. Dip in coconut. Eat!

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