Dutch by design

We spent New Years with our Dutch friends and their delicious little boy, Rik, this year, and I was so impressed with their pram I had a dig around to see if they were available here. To my utter amazement (I'm so used to being jarred by stylish European brands and their un-availability here) they are! The brand is Joolz, I'd never heard of them before (maybe you have?), and they're like a nicer version of the Bugaboo (possibly just nicer to me because I'd never seen them before and Bugaboos are everywhere now). Anyway, enough talk, here's what they look like...

You can get them through Anstel in Victoria.

And how about this design?!!! Another company out of the Netherlands, Taga have been awarded gazillions of design awards for this little number. They call it a multi-functional urban vehicle. And what doesn't it do I ask you? I think it's awesome but a little scary....

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