Craft Room LUST....

Twice now since christmas I've tried to re-organize the boys playroom. And twice I have failed. Beaten by the limitations of the furniture we have in there and the way the room is set up. But since finding these three amazing spaces I'm feeling a little buoyed by the possibilities and a little bit inspired to give it one more shot...
The lamp shade cluster is just so cute and clever. I think I may need to steal this idea. 

Ikea's Skimra shades like these are only $4.99 each and it would be really easy to get a similar effect to this by glueing strips of contrasting coloured ribbon around the top and bottom edge of each shade and tying them into a group. If you were feeling particularly handy you could even put a fitting into one or two of them and making it into a functioning light. Plain fittings like these ones below from Ikea are under $15.
Then there was this. How good would those drawers be?!! One huge deep one for all the bottles of paint that leak when you have to lie them down and all those shallow wide ones for project cardboard and paper. The giant sized paintbrush and palette set the tone for the space and the wire display setup is functional and almost invisible.
While I love this last one for it's child-sized furniture and acres of storage, I'm not convinced carpet in the craft room would work with my two human tornadoes... 
And it would all look so much nicer with these sofas instead don't you think?
Craaftroom images via Real Simple

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