Shop lust: Pip Studio - Amsterdam

I have just stumbled upon the most divine website. No truly. You NEED to see this. Even the site design is gorgeous... It's called PIP Studio and let's just say, Pip has great taste. She is the creative brains behind all of the Studio designs, which range from wallpaper to handbags and teacups to towels. Here's a small serving of the range...
Aren't they stunning? They make me want to invite all my girlfriends around for a tea party!
Pearl and lace wallpaper. (If I only had a girl!) Check out the detail below...

Have you ever lusted for a bath towel? I hadn't... till now.

And there's loads more where this came from. Get thyself to the store and see for yourself. All prices are in Euros which works out quite well for us at the moment and shipping is reasonable if you buy a couple of things... Hmmm, but how to decide which couple of things?
Found it via Canelle et Vanille

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