Etsy's best! Lovely Lockets

Is it just me or do you end up buying things for yourself when you're supposed to be christmas shopping? I was snooping around the A Cup of Jo blog this morning when I saw this...

...and I have to say, she quite literally took my breath away. She's designed by Alyson Fox, her name is Colour Study and you can buy her here at Verabel's etsy store. It is possible that Hugh's rainbow fetish is rubbing off on me but hello!? Isn't she beautiful? I thought so - and yep - I bought her. Noosh-daddy is soooo busy at work I thought I'd be helping him out... 

You need to hop on over to Etsy and ogle these beauties... 

If you still need more persuasion, the prices on these are really reasonable, and with the exchange rate being soooo kind at the moment.... Go on! Go!!!!

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