Kids in print...

There's nothing I like better than going through old photos and memory boxes with my mum. There seems to be a lot more of it this time of year too. She has been an inspiration in keeping shed loads of worthless bits and pieces that mean the absolute world to me. A magpie tendancy, an inability to let go of the past, call it what you will - I think it's hugely important to hold onto those things. I don't even know how many boxes of paper I have saved so far. Paper with indistinguishable scribbles and glue on them.

Sheridan has found a wonderful way to save your kids artwork! Art Eater is a great online store where you can now have all your favourites printed in a custom case-bound art book. 

Designed for busy parents, you jump online and purchase the package you want. Art Eater will send you a pre-paid art box to safely package your artwork and send it off to them. They capture each piece, email you when it's ready to be compiled and you get back online to arrange the art the way you want/add text if you like and create your masterpiece. The book is printed and sent out to you. Voila! Way better than our box...

They've got lots of other ideas to save, share and display paintings and drawings too. From greeting cards (how great to do this for your christmas cards one year? Get the kids to draw your family with the christmas tree...), to mugs and even mouse pads! Great for gifts...

I think this one's my favourite. They shrink down each piece to around 8cm, and mount each one individually in a shadowbox frame. Lovely for the family photo wall.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We save everything, and I mean everything that our little guy scribbles. I have been on an endless search for the best way to save his creations and the picture books and shadow box are just perfect. My search is over!


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